The Story Behind Making Disciples & LEading Small Groups

Active in Local Church Ministry and Missions Since 1998, Russ Mason is a Christian Pastor, Author, and Speaker who is Passionate about Discipleship, Spiritual Maturity, and Helping Christians Reach their Greatest Potential. He and His Wife Shari Have Been Personally Discipling Both Youth and Adults for Over 15 Years. 

Throughout that Time, They Have Participated in and Led Multiple Small Groups, Trained Small Group Leaders, and Written Curriculum for Training Small Group Leaders. More than a Church Ministry or Program, Making Disciples and Meeting in Small Group Settings Should Be a Fun and Exciting Part of Our Everyday Lives. 

We Pray this Book Will Ignite a Passion in You to Wake Up Each Day with the Desire and Purpose to See, Love, and Disciple Others with the Eyes and Heart of God. Even Now there are People in Your School and Workplace that are Needing and Waiting for Someone to Make a Positive and Eternal Impact in their Life - and that Someone Could Be You. God has an Amazing Plan for Your Life So Allow Him Each Day to Shine Through You to the World Around You!

Why You'll Love this book

  • Jesus was very intentional and He was constantly making positive, life changing, and eternal impacts on people’s lives. When Jesus interacted with a person, it became a monumental experience that would forever alter how that person viewed God, eternity, and life.

  • In today's busy world, people are hungry to live a rich and authentic life within the context of vibrant relationships. In addition, the people of this world are desperately looking for wonder and inspiration. They know that life and people can be both fascinating and amazing, but yet their everyday lives seem quite ordinary and monotonous.

  • The beauty of knowing God and being a Christian, however, is that every day is a new and exciting adventure. By following Jesus and His example of intentionally touching people's lives and making disciples, we can help impart into people's lives the love, hope, and truth that will transform, heal, and empower them to become everything God has created them to be.

  • Whether you're a Pastor, a small group leader, or simply a Christian trying to live your life to please God, this book will inspire, challenge, and equip you to see, love, and disciple others with the eyes and heart of God. 

What Others are Saying About

Making Disciples & Leading Small Groups

  • Rev. Robby Gallaty  |  Pastor of Long Hollow Bapist Church

    Author of Growing Up, and How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples.

    "Right out the gate, the reader is keenly aware that Russ is a practitioner of discipleship, not just a preacher. He writes from the overflow of years of investing in others. His book is filled with practical topics such as 'Moving Beyond Preaching and Teaching,' 'Passing the Baton,' and 'Carrying Others Burdens,' to name a few. If you are looking for a resource to use when discipling a new believer or undiscipled disciple of Christ, 'Making Disciples and Leading Small Groups' will serve you well."

  • Rev. Bounna Has  |  Missionary / Church Planter in Cambodia

    Bounna holds a Bachelor's degree in Pastoral Theology and is serving alongside his wife as a Missionary / Church Planter in Cambodia.

    "A very good book on discipleship and small groups. Very biblical, practical, and personal teaching that reveals the great need of today: 'Making Disciples.' I recommend this book to all Christian leaders who would seek to bring people closer to Jesus!"

  • AdditionAL Endorsements

    Russ' passion for small groups does come through in his writing. The book not only offers good insight into small group culture but provides encouragement to those leading small groups.” – John M.

    This book is a jolt of fresh air. No formulas or how tos, just the simple and powerful message to Love God and Love others. I know Russ personally, his life lines up with his message. He instills these values into his family and everyone he meets.” – Steve M.