Active in Local Church Ministry and Missions Since 1998, Russ Mason is a Christian Pastor, Author, and Speaker who is Passionate about Discipleship, Spiritual Maturity, and Helping Christians Reach their Greatest Potential. He and His Wife Shari Have Been Personally Discipling Both Youth and Adults for Over 15 Years.
Throughout that Time, They Have Participated in and Led Multiple Small Groups, Trained Small Group Leaders, and Written Curriculum for Training Small Group Leaders. More than a Church Ministry or Program, Making Disciples and Meeting in Small Group Settings Should Be a Fun and Exciting Part of Our Everyday Lives.
We Pray this Book Will Ignite a Passion in You to Wake Up Each Day with the Desire and Purpose to See, Love, and Disciple Others with the Eyes and Heart of God. Even Now there are People in Your School and Workplace that are Needing and Waiting for Someone to Make a Positive and Eternal Impact in their Life - and that Someone Could Be You. God has an Amazing Plan for Your Life So Allow Him Each Day to Shine Through You to the World Around You!